Saturday, April 30, 2016

NEWS: Captain Cold in "The Flash" 2018

It's official, Captain Cold is going to be a villain in "The Flash", along with Jay Garrick, Iris West, Eobard Thawne, and Fred Chyre. Now, I'm not simply talking about "The Flash" on CW. I'm talking about the 2018 DC Movie, "The Flash"! This will be Captain Cold's very first live action appearance on a film, and a Rogues' member 2nd live action appearance on a film (sorry, looks like Captain Boomerang beat you on that). The official word is that Len Snart, note the nickname, is going to play an ex-military man working for Eobard Thwane. So I'm ready to snart dissecting that information! Get it, snart, start. Never mind.

Ah, don't you just love the classics. You can't beat the original Rogues costumes no matter how hard you try.

Len Snart

Len is the name commonly used in the original comics, so it looks like the directors will be leaning towards the original version of the character rather than the meta-new 52 Lenny. However, with the TV Flash already having their own take on the cold gun, the movie will need to find a way to make Movie-Len's gun stand out. Making him a powered villain would be an easy approach, and it would make sense if he's working with the Reverse Flash, another character with superpowers. However, that may upset classic fans, so the safe approach would be to give him a nice new gun with different sparkly effects. Again, based on the nickname, he'll most likely be wielding a weapon.

Cool, but don't go too overboard with the special effects. (NOTE: Not film image)


OK, my first reaction was what the heck! After that I just kind of stared at the screen and squinted, wondering if what I was reading was real or a prank. Why on earth would they make Captain Cold ex-military? Then I thought it through, and in a way, it makes sense. Captain Cold and the Rogues have always been in the grey area of heroics and villainy. Having Len originally be on the good side would be an interesting way to show his character in a new light. It would also explain his villain name, Captain Cold, if he does turn out to be an ex-captain.

The movie can either take two approaches; introduce him as ex-military or introduce him as military and have some event happen that turns him bad. I'm hoping for the first one, solely for the fact I don't want them messing up Len's origin story. It's possible for them to go with the second option and keep his origin somewhat intact, but I'd like to keep Len's abusive dad, Lewis, in the plot. That way their could be a future connection with Lisa Snart aka Golden Glider, Len's sister.

I suppose he did work for the Russian military in a way.

Working for Reverse Flash

It's clear that Eobard is going to be the villain of this movie. From what I'm aware of, they've never really teamed up in the comics before. By using the word "for" and not "with", its obvious they will not be in an equal partnership. This might not go over well for Len, who likes to be in charge. That's the reason why he leads the Rogues. But I want to know why Len is working with the Reverse Flash, because their needs to be some specific reason.

Since the Flash has already gotten his powers, as shown in "Batman v Superman", the movie won't be an origin story unless through flashbacks. So it is possible Len will already be an established villain of the Flash, and may team up with RF for the sole sake of revenge. The only thing Len likes more than revenge is money, so that could be another basic excuse. Some more complicated explanations could be blackmail. Perhaps Thawne has Snart's sister? Though, hoping that might be pushing my luck. The Rogues often get broken out of jail in the comics, so Thawne might simply break Snart out for assistance, and Snart just goes along with the plan to pay back his debt. If this is the case, it would be possible for Snart to switch to team Barry after he decided his debt is paid off enough. I really want to see Snart switch to hero mode sometime in the film. But he need to go back to criminal again. Captain Cold can be a really good anti-hero, which are high in demand in cinemas right now. If Warner Brother's plays him right, they could be looking at a fan favorite.

However, if they just make him be some lame henchman with no personality, I will cry. Please, just let him get in some ice puns.

My bad, I forgot they got stuck in an elevator together once. :P

OK, that's all my theories for Leonard's, sorry, Len's role in "The Flash" film! I guess from now on I'll have to refer to the film as "The Flash" and the TV show as The Flash for clarification. Argh, why can't they have different names? Anyway, I'm super excited CAPTAIN COLD IS GONNA BE IN IS OWN FILM!!! Well, sure there will be other characters in it like Barry, but they won't matter as much. I'm crossing my fingers for Rogues references.

Please, please, please treat Cap right Warner Brothers, and then make a Rogues movie like "Suicide Squad" since Marvel cancelled "Sinister Six".  Or else I'll have to hunt you down and freeze you with my cold gun. You have been warned. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Suicide Squad Blitz Trailer Music Review

So, the 3rd trailer for Suicide Squad has been out for over a week now, and I have probably watched it over a hundred times. Because George "Digger" Harkness, aka Captain Boomerang, is in this movie, that means I can review the trailer on this blog! I am so psyched for this movie, you don't even understand. I'm surprised I've gone this long without making a blog about it. I mean, my first blog was about Captain Boomerang in the Lego Batman movie! Not even Suicide Squad! It's time to change that, starting with this music review.

The aspect of the Blitz trailer and the previous trailer that intrigued me the most was the music choice. In Blitz, they use a song called "You Don't Own Me" sung by Grace. This song is actually a remake of the 1964 version sung by Lesley Gore. The lyrics fit perfectly with the film. The entire premise of the Suicide Squad team is that it is made of villains who believe they have the right to be loved and have happiness. They are given a chance at freedom by Amanda Waller, but in a sense they are all still prisoners. And I think deep down they know they will never earn their freedom. Their situation is an ironic one, and this song pokes fun at it.

Grace sings, "You don't own me. I'm not just one of your many toys."
Deadshot, Harley Quinn, and the others are toys. They are simply tools Waller is using to get what she wants.

Also, "And don't tell me what to do. And don't tell me what to say."
The government is doing just that. They have put bombs in the members heads. If they don't do exactly what they ask of them, they will kill them. Rick Flag chooses this moment to inform the Squad in the trailer that if they disobey him, try to escape, or even irritate him, they will die. It sure seems like they're telling them exactly what to say and do.

Finally, "I'm free and I love to be free. To live my life the way that I want."
Like I said before, they are not free. It's interesting the lyrics say live. The movie is literally called "Suicide Squad", so most likely it will be filled with lots of death. The team is not only able to live the way they want, it is most likely they will die in battle in a way they will not want. Again, the song is just sad, despite sounding so encouraging, because it is the opposite of their reality. The song is simply them singing their fantasies.

Now lets look at the second choice, "The Ballroom Blitz" by Sweet, where the trailer gets its name. This definitely gives off a different tone from the first song. It is much more energetic, and I think that will reflect how the tone of the movie will be. Sad and serious at times, but much more fun at others.

I read a fan theory that El Diablo will be one of the squad members to die because he is trying to redeem himself and might sacrifice himself for the team. This trailer seemed to support that theory for two reasons. One, we see him a lot more in this trailer, and he is the one character who isn't really played off as being "bad". The producers can't kill of Harley Quinn or Deadshot because they are too popular, but they'll still want to get that emotional death for fans. This trailer seems designed to make us sympathize with Diablo.

The other reason is in the lyrics of "The Ballroom Blitz", or rather the absence of them. The trailer cuts off to a scene with El Diablo right before the lyrics, "And the band started leaving
'Cause they all stopped breathing."
Now, this could be a reference to El Diablo dying. In fact, it could be hinting that the entire team will die. Again, I don't think the movie would actually kill off major characters (They better not kill of Boomerang or so help me...). But in the comics, Waller gets a hold of a type of serum that can bring the squad members back from the dead. It would be cool to see them all die in the end, or maybe somewhere in the middle, and have Waller bring them back to life. I don't know, just a thought. Super hero movies are constantly killing off and bringing back characters, but to have a whole team come back to life would be something new. Or is that pushing it? Leave your opinion in the comments below.

My last comment about "The Ballroom Blitz" song involves the following lyrics, "And the girl in the corner is everyone's woman."
There have been teases across the internet of a love triangle between the Joker, Harley Quinn, and Deadshot. This might be further proof, as the statement is sung with a shot of Deadshot and later Harley Quinn. It could also be referring to a possible romance with Rick Flag and Enchantress.

And since we're on the topic of romance.... Captain Boomerang and Katana are my official Suicide Squad OTP (One True Pairing). I really hope their moment in the trailer wasn't a one time deal. In their scene, Katana slams Digger against a wall with her sword. Unfazed, he simply asks, "You got a boyfriend?". Unfortunately Katana kind of does have a boyfriend. She can communicate with the soul of her dead husband in her katana blade (weird, I know). That would be an interesting love triangle to see. I just really want it to happen because Captain Boomerang is known and loved for his immature and vulgar look on life, and having him shamelessly (and probably unsuccessfully) flirt with an assassin is sure to get some laughs from the audience. 

And now, time for some random shots of Digger!

Love at first sight.
Looking insane as usual Boomy. Are those even boomerangs? They look like knives.

There must be something seriously crazy that he's looking at right now.

Oops, what's this pic. Sorry, I had too.

OK, loving the little hair poof out of his hat. Also the side burns. Who is your stylist and can I have their number?

That unicorn better be for me, Katana, or your son Owen. Also, will they be selling those as Suicide Squad merchandise?

This is why we can't let you be around Heatwave without supervision.

"You got a boyfriend?" I don't... just saying Digger.

I know he could kill me with one of those boomerangs, but there's something cute about him being in danger and pulling out some skinny little piece of metal.

How many drinks is he even having? Four?

Well, I hope you enjoyed my review. It was fun just looking at the music aspect of it. Just to give a tease of what to come, I still plan on reviewing "Batman: Assault on Arkham" and the comic "Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion". I also have a lot of craft projects I just finished I'd like to show off. I painted some letters that read "DC Rogues" with each character on a different letter. I also painted an In & Out hat blue like Captain Boomerang's cap from the comics, and it looks absolutely adorable. I'm thinking about doing a post on how to throw a boomerang, but I'll probably hold that off until a Captain Boomerang themed week when Suicide Squad comes out. Until then, au revoir!

Monday, April 25, 2016

Top 5 Scenes from Legends of Tomorrow 1x12 "Last Refuge"

This is coming a little bit late, but I was in Chicago so I had a little bit of trouble even posting the Mirror Master quiz last week. This isn't a full on LOT review, but I had to discuss some certain aspects of the episode, mainly Mick and Len. Below are my 5 favorite scenes from "Last Refuge" (You'll notice Ray and Kendra getting married is NOT one of them). Ready to start?

Scene 1:

"Last Refuge" is a love letter to Captain Cold, Heat Wave, and White Canary fans. It's basically fanfiction turned into video. The plot of the episode is horrible, considering there are so many time travel flaws in it you'll want to throw rocks at the screen. Luckily, Teen Mick and baby Len save the show (yes, that adorable baby in the trailer was none other than Leo himself). The two will capture your hearts before you even have time to blink. This scene is by far my favorite scene of the entire show. It's just, it's too perfect. I mean look.

So, I don't know what to scream about more. The fact that Mick just called Len his partner again (brotp is back on!) or the fact that TEENAGE MICK IS HOLDING BABY CAPTAIN COLD. This is the cutest thing to exist since puppies were invented. Young Mick's line, "I don't do babies," was just so Mick. Mitchell Kummen plays the character perfectly. The best thing is this won't be the last of him. He and the others (Young-adult Sara, baby Jax, young-adult Ray, baby Stien, and baby Snart) are currently staying with Rip's adopted mother at a secret orphanage. That means we might get to see him again next week!

Scene 2:

Also, an amazing scene was when younger Sara slaps teenage Mick for trying to hit on her. Rather than being upset, Mick just starts laughing. He makes the cutest face. Older Sara's response is almost as good. She goes down stairs and informs young Mick that he is "not her type". Sorry Mick/Sara fans. I did read a post on tumblr that described Mick as president of the White Canary fangirl club. That is probably 100% true.

Scene 3:

For Captain Canary shippers, this scene will melt your heart. At first, Sara seems completely immune to the idea of seeing Captain Cold as a baby. However, when she lays eyes on him, she instantly starts cooing. Definitely in top ten best Captain Canary scenes. Just look at her stroking Len's cheek. I swear, Snart is just fabulous no matter how old he is. So is this ship. Urgh, why did I have to be pulled into this! Apparently there's going to be some big Captain Canary scenes in the upcoming Legends of Tomorrow episode "Destiny", but it will be hard to top this.

Scene 4:

Here, Rip's mom, who has been watching younger Mick, tells him, "You're a naughty one." Mick is pleased, responding with "That's right". I am so glad Mick is back on the team. His amazing one liners will never get old.

Scene 5:

This shot right here. This villain, the Pilgrim, has the ability to freeze time (she also has the ability to be a jerkface because she threatened to kill Golden Glider). We get to see some awesome special affects of the entire team frozen in place. It is EPIC. It does drag out a little too long, but it's worth the wait. Snart and Mick look fabulous, but let's hope their weapons don't cross!

Things I'm Mad About:

1. This episode's extremely flawed plot.

2. The writers not bringing on Lisa Snart even though they freaking showed her picture, the same picture, about ten times so far.

3. Mick and Len still not making up. The team needs to have an intervention.

4. The fact that teenage Mick and baby Len will probably never have their own TV show.

5. Legends of Tomorrow preventing the Rogues from happening on the Flash. I mean, I love seeing my two favorite supervillains every week, but I need the Rogues. Maybe take a break season 2 for Flash season 3, and come back on the show later?


Scene 1 again. I mean, I've already posted this picture on my door. I just, I love this. I can look at it all day. Let me paste it a few more times.

OK... I'll stop. Hope you enjoyed this review. I tried to do a different organization of it by listing my favorite scenes. Comment below if you liked it. See you soon! Hope you enjoyed "Last Refuge" and this post!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Mirror Master Quiz

Final birthday present for Sam and final day of Mirror Master Week!  Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

All About Mirror Master

Happy Birthday Mirror Master!!!

For those of you who don't know, April 19th is Sam Scudder's birthday. For his birthday present, he gets an entire week of blogging dedicated to him and his villain persona! Welcome to the 2nd day of Mirror Master Week, a post full of information on the one and only Mirror Master! Well... actually there were multiple Mirror Masters, but whose counting?

Who is Mirror Master?

In case you have no idea who Mirror Master is, let me explain. Mirror Master's gimmick is in his name. He uses mirrors in different ways, such as making clones or hypnotizing others, to perform crimes. He can also travel through mirrors into a "mirror dimension". Their are two main incarnations of Mirror Master, the first being Sam, and the second being Evan. Evan took on the role after Scudder died. Captain Boomerang even posed as Mirror Master for a short period of time after Sam's death. In the New 52 reboot, Sam Scudder is the main Mirror Master, and there has yet to be any mention of Evan McCulloch.

Sam's Backstory

Unfortunately nothing is known about Sam's childhood, but we do get a glimpse at his pre-villain days. Sam started out as a criminal even without his gun. He stumbled upon the ability to capture images in mirrors after pouring various chemicals on a mirror in a mirror factory. He began to conduct research and discover more ways to control reflections. His character is especially cool, because he used his brain to gain his powers rather than falling into a vat of toxic waste or being born with them. In a way, he's like Iron Man in DC villain form.

Over the years, Sam learned to make mirrors and duplicate reflections, and he discovered another dimension he called the Mirror World. He once broke out of prison by traveling to this world, where he met telepathic Orinocas who granted his every wish. After growing unhappy with getting everything he wanted, he traveled back to the real world to battle Flash once again.

Mirror Master's death was a sad one. He was killed along side Maaldor the Darklord and Icicle in the evil villain Krona's lab. At the time, he was actually trying to save the world in a hero-villain team up led by Lex Luthor himself. Of course, he didn't stay dead forever. He briefly reappeared as a Black Lantern zombie in a Blackest Night Flash crossover, where he battled the future version of Mirror Master, Evan. It was pretty epic.

In the New 52, Sam is dating Captain Cold's little sister, Lisa Snart. They are my favorite Rogues OTP, which is saying something since I got into this whole Rogues mess by shipping Lisa and Cisco on CW's The Flash. If you don't know about the New 52, all the Rogues weapons are incorporated into their bodies as super powers. For a while, Sam actually becomes trapped in the mirror dimension because of his powers. Eventually his girlfriend is able to help him escape. Even though Sam does not need his gun because he has super powers, he keeps it for sentimental reasons.

Evan's Backstory

Evan's back story is a tragic one, as all good super villains' are. Evan was unable to grow up with his parents. He was abandoned at an orphanage in Kirkcaldy, Scotland run by a kind lady, Mrs. McCulloch. When he was still very young, Evan killed an older boy out of self defense after the boy tried to sexually attack him. Evan was never charged for the crime, and remained at the orphanage until 16. Afterwards, he decided to go out into the world and make a life for himself in Glasgow.

In Glasgow, McCulloch began to turn to crime. He became a hired assassin across Europe. One day, Evan was hired to kill two men. At the time, he had an eye injury, and was unable to see who he was shooting. Only after he pulled the trigger did he realize that the second target was his father. He recognized him from a picture of his parents he had kept since his childhood. Evan attended his father's funeral and wanted to comfort his mother. Before he could work up the courage, his mother committed suicide. Devastated, Evan decided to turn himself in for his crimes.

Before he is able to, he is contacted by the United States government. They give Evan the suit and weapons of the original Mirror Master and hired him to kill the super villain Animal Man. Unfortunately, they also want him to kill Animal Man's wife and children. Evan refuses and instead kills the people who hired him. He keeps the suit and becomes his own villain-for-hire. Eventually, the Scotsman moves to the gem cities and becomes involved with fighting the Flash and being a member of the Rogues.

Sam vs Evan

Since Evan and Sam wear the same costume, it is hard to immediately tell them apart. Often television shows will combine the two characters, which makes it even more difficult. Here are five tell-tale ways to ensure which villain you are viewing.  

1.  Evan almost always speaks with a Scottish accent.

2. McCulloch fought Wally West, a later version of the Flash, while Sam fought Barry Allen. This is because McCulloch appeared in Flash comics in the 1990s, after Barry had been killed.

3. While Sam can only travel through mirrors, Evan was able to figure out how to do it through any reflective surface. However, Sam can travel through any reflective surface in the New 52 reboot.

4. Evan often uses a mirror gun, while Sam simply uses small, hand held mirrors. The only exception is, you guessed it, the New 52 comics, where Sam was the one to invent the gun.

5. Evan is known to have a huge problem with his drug addiction. One of the Rogues rules is no drugs, so this causes problems with Captain Cold. The leader is very strict about Evan not taking drugs, since it makes the team members less sharp. So if you see any mention of coke, then it's probably not Sam unless its talking about the soda.

Bonus. Evan is often portrayed in films or fan art with a gap in his teeth.

My Favorite Mirror Master Comics

For Sam Scudder:

Hands down, my favorite comic ever!!! Basically imagine every DC villain ever teaming up to fight the Rogues, and you have Rogues Rebellion. I don't want to spoil anything, but I give a quick summary. Basically Captain Cold and Golden Glider both get separated from the gang, and Mirror Master has to lead what remains of the team back to Central City to protect Lisa. I love how they portray everyone's character in it. The Trickster is an absolute hoot. And seeing Sam as the leader of the Rogues is really interesting. This is a must read. (Also, I counted, Sam calls Captain Cold "Lenny" 6 times. They are the cutest brother-in-laws, and my brotp.)

For Evan McCulloch:

I would suggest Geoff Johns collection of comic books from the 1980s simply titled "The Flash" Book One. It has #164-169 of volume 2, which center around a Mirror Master-Captain Cold-Flash team up. When the heroes/villains get trapped in an alternate dimension, the three must work together to get back home safely. It also has Heat Wave as a police officer, which I find the idea mildly amusing. And it shows off Evan's adorable accent, which is a lovely bonus.

And now, you finally know everything about Mirror Master. Happy birthday Sam! Hope you get lots of kisses from Lisa and lots of good presents. And hopefully Axel won't pull any birthday pranks on you, but if he does, try to be a good sport. See you soon.

Monday, April 18, 2016

How to Throw a Rogues Themed Party

Welcome to the first day of Mirror Master Week! In honor of Sam Scudder's birthday tomorrow, I figured I could help inform you how to throw a Rogues themed party. That way you too can celebrate Sam's birthday! And who do you think is the best person to ask about how to throw a Rogues themed party? Well, the Rogues themselves! "A Meeting of Rogues", comic book #19 from volume 2 of the Flash, has the Rogues throw a wild and festive party for Captain Cold. Also, comic #231 from volume 1, "The Only Crook Flash Could Never Catch!" has the Rogues throw what is equivalent to today's comic con. I will be using both of these comics to get inspiration for throwing the party.


Since you'll probably be inviting a lot of people, it's important to have lots of good food. The best way to go is a buffet. Make sure you hire (or kidnap) a personal chef to restock when you run out of a certain item. Its most likely you'll have some unwanted guests show up, like the Flash or various wannabe crooks. Always be prepared by bringing more snacks than you need.

There are some specific themed snacks you can serve. For Captain Cold, I suggest mini popsicles. You can make these by pouring orange juice into an ice cube tray. For something warmer try hot chocolate, just don't forget the mini marshmallows. If you have a fireplace, make s'mores in theme with Heat Wave. Any Australian or Scottish cuisine can reflect Captain Boomerang or Mirror Master.

Most importantly, don't forget the alcohol. Make sure you specify on the invitations that the party is BYOB. Bring your own beer. However, if you want to avoid any complications, try to keep the alcohol consumption to a minimum. Perhaps use soda instead. You don't want to end up like Captain Boomerang.

And don't forget the cake! You may not be able to defeat the Flash, but can you can devour him and his deliciousness!


The Rogues liked to show off their various weapons, and you too can show off your Rogues memorabilia. Any action figures or posters you might have should go on display. Don't be afraid to display your fan art or print out some fanfiction you may have written. You can search the internet for comic strips or pictures you might like and tape them up on the wall. If you're throwing a Mirror Master party, be sure to have lots of mirrors around. You can tape masks to the mirrors, so when someone walks up to one, it will look like they are dressed up as one of the Rogues.


There's nothing like a good role play. Heck, even the Rogues did it at their conventions, imagining what if would be like if they ever defeated the Flash. You can make your party a costume contest and run around the streets together. If you want to go all out, nerf guns and card board cut outs of the Flash can lead to hours of fun.

As with any comic book themed party, its important to have comic books. You can stop by the comic book store and purchase some cheap ones as door prizes. And when you need to take a break from the excitement of the party, you can have a corner for guests to sit and read from a stack. That way if there are any guests unfamiliar with the characters you are displaying, they can learn about them from the original material.

If you'd like to show a movie during the party, their are tons to chose from. "Batman: Assult on Arkham" is a great choice if you are a fan of Captain Boomerang. Captain Cold, Captain Boomerang, Heatwave, Mirror Master, and the Top are all featured at the beginning of "Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox". Rogue's member Weather Wizard even has a role in the recently released film, "Justice League vs. Teen Titans". If you'd like something more specific to a character, their are many episodes of The Flash on CW that feature certain villains. These include "Tricksters", "Family of Rogues", "Going Rogue", "Flash vs Arrow", "Revenge of the Rogues", "The Sound and the Fury", "Pilot", "Out of Time", "Rogue Time", and "Flash Back". I would suggest "Running to Stand Still" and "Rogue Air" for the biggest collection of Rogues. For an animated episode, watch Justice League Unlimited 's "Flash and Substance".

Well, I wish you luck on throwing your party. Be sure to send me an invitation. If you have any other ideas for throwing a Rogues themed party, leave it in the comic section below. And add how you plan on celebrating Sam Scudder's birthday. I plan on sitting down to an episode of the Flash, writing an "All About Sam" blog post, and maybe digging through my stack of comics to revisit some of my favorite stories that feature him. That's all, and see you tomorrow.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Legends of Tomorrow: A Look to the Future

Hi! I'm typing to you from Waco, Texas! I wasn't planning on making another post this week, because I'm on vacation. But, I really missed writing to ya'll. I was able to get hold of a laptop just so I could write a post! There have been so many Legends of Tomorrow spoilers on the internet now. Rather than review last night's episode, I wanted to talk about some of the upcoming episodes. Below are the synopsizes of the next three episodes, 1x12, 1x13, and 1x14.
Episode 1x12 "Last Refuge" (April 21, 2016)-

The team is targeted by The Pilgrim, a deadly assassin who wants to erase the Legends from the timeline by killing their younger, non-superhero selves. As a protective countermeasure, Rip  decides Sara, Snart, Rory, Professor Stein and Jax need to kidnap their past selves first before The Pilgrim gets to them. Coming face-to-face with the younger versions of themselves proves to be both a physical and emotional challenge for certain members of the team who would rather forget their past. Rip tells them he has a refuge for their precious cargo – an orphanage that raises future Time Masters and where he himself grew up.
This episode will probably become my favorite of the season. It's every fangirl's dream to see their favorite characters come to the screen as little kids. I freaked out at the end of "The Magnificent Eight" when they showed a picture of Heatwave as a child. He looks adorable, and I guarantee you I will be writing some fanfiction after "Last Refuge" airs. It will be interesting to see how Mick and The Pilgrim, played by Faye Kingslee, react. Will she call Mick a traitor such as the Hunters called him in the wild West? This plot will in a way reflect the plot of "Progeny", considering it will again take a look at the ethics, or lack of, of murdering children.
I did get a little excited when I read the word orphanage. In the comics, Evan McCulloch, the second Mirror Master, grew up in an orphanage. I just really want Mirror Master to come on the show, and it would be a fun way to tie Legends of Tomorrow and Flash together by hinting at an upcoming villain. Now, obviously this would change Evan's backstory a lot, but it would explain how he encountered technology to travel into mirror dimensions if he was in fact from the future. Do I think the show will hint at Evan coming from this orphanage? Not really, but a girl can hope.
They have also released an extended trailer for the episode.
There were quite a few moments in this trailer that made my jaw drop. It appears that Mick will get to interact with himself as a teenager. Also, the entire team will be along for the ride. Everyone is going to get to witness Mick's tragic backstory. There will be many tears shed. We know that Lenny met Mick in prison when Len was a 14 year old. Mick will be playing a 14 year old. I'm not positive what age they are supposed to be (considering Len looked to be around 5 or 6 when he was shown in 1975, my guess is Captain Cold is around 45 years old, and Heatwave is said to be older), but I'm assuming that this will be before Mick has met Len. Will Mick from the future try to warn his younger self to not trust Cold? Or will Mick realize how much Len has done for him, considering the mentally ill teenager he was before they became friends?
There is also quite a lot of new people shown in the trailer. I'm guessing that the black man Pilgrim is trying to kill is Jax's father, but I'm not quite sure who the blonde lady or the baby at the end is. It could be anyone. My guess is that the Pilgrim will try different ways to kill the six members in danger. Some as teenagers, some as babies, and some she will target ancestors. I really want to know who the baby at the end is, if it is Len or Ray, or maybe even Stein.
Lastly, here are some stills from "Last Refuge". There's lots!
*Epic Pose*
*Epic Girl Pose*
Rip's adopted mommy, Mary Xavier (Charles' wife?), taking one of the little ones (Baby Rip?) in.

Mick looks angry at Rip. Also slightly more back to normal.

Is it Jax's dad or Jax from the future?

Maybe it's just a random black guy?

Person in top right: Me stalking Mickey.

Me with tranquilizing dart ready to kidnap baby-Mick.

Fist bump!

He's debating what to steal. He's leaning towards that lucky vase.

I just, I can't. He just looks so adorable and attractive.

Mommy Rip again!

Attractive Mick again.

 Sassy Pilgrim! Talk to the hand!

Marry me?
Marry me too? Also, the team just loves playing dress up. First cowboys, now firefighters. Is this a super hero series or a fashion show?
Question: How many stills does he get? Answer: As many as he wants.
Mick Count: 7
Len Count: 4
Episode 1x13 "Leviathan" (April 28, 2016)-
Rip takes the team to London in the year 2166, three months before his family is killed. He believes this to be their final opportunity to take out Savage who is, unfortunately, at the height of his power. However, the team discovers two key elements to defeating him - Savage's daughter and the means to kill Savage once and for all.
To the future again! Since this is only three months before Rip's wife and Jonas get killed by Savage, we will most likely get to see a lot of these characters. The main thing we learn in this synopsis is that Savage has a daughter. She will be played by actress Jessica Sipos. In the comics, Vandal does have a daughter named Scandal, who he considers to be his heir. Scandal was part of the Secret Six. In the New 52 version, Vandal has a daughter named Kassandra "Kass" Sage, who works as an FBI agent. It is unknown if Jessica will be playing Kass or Scandal.  
Episode 1x14 "River of Time" (May 5, 2016)-
After numerous attempts in many different time periods, the team has successfully captured Vandal Savage. However, Savage tells Kendra that he can reunite her with Carter so she struggles with whether she should kill him. Rip decides they will deliver Savage to the Time Masters which doesn’t sit well with Snart and Rory. The duo decides it may be time to jump ship and return to their old life. Meanwhile, Savage taunts Ray about his place in Kendra’s life.
 Well, it looks like I was right in saying Kendra and Ray's relationship won't be going away anytime soon. I think delivering Savage to the Time Masters is absolutely stupid. Something must happen between now and "River of Time" that makes Rip trust them again. Right now, they seem like a pretty nasty group, sending assassins to kill Rip's own team. To kill them as children matter of fact. Also, if they discover how to kill Savage once and for all in "Leviathan", why don't they use that information? I think Mick and Len will want to return to Central City because Rip decides to be all goody-two-shoed and want Savage to get a fair trail with the time masters. I really hope Captain Cold and Heatwave do leave, because it would be AMAZING if the Rogues could become the main villains of The Flash season 3.
 Episode 1x15 "Destiny" (May 12, 2016) and
Episode 1x16 "Legendary" (May 19, 2016)-
No synopsizes have been released for "Destiny" or "Legendary". My only theory is that the final episode will take place in present time, 2016, Central City. It would be ironic if the time they finally kill Vandal Savage is the time they came from in the first place. Also, they could bring in Flash, Arrow, Golden Glider, and a ton of other iconic characters for the big finale. It would be epic!!! I really hope they end the series with a crossover. I know the episode is already filmed and there have been no rumors of Grant Gustin or Stephen Amell on LoT's set. But still, as I said before, a girl can hope.  
That's it! My theories for the remaining episodes of season 1! Next week is Mirror Master week, so I'll be doing a post about Evan McCulloch and Sam Scudder. I'll also do the Legends of Tomorrow review on Friday, because I'm super excited for it!! And if for some reason Mirror Master shows up on the Flash, I might have to do a Flash review to. You guys are lucky I like these characters so much! Thanks for listening.