Monday, April 25, 2016

Top 5 Scenes from Legends of Tomorrow 1x12 "Last Refuge"

This is coming a little bit late, but I was in Chicago so I had a little bit of trouble even posting the Mirror Master quiz last week. This isn't a full on LOT review, but I had to discuss some certain aspects of the episode, mainly Mick and Len. Below are my 5 favorite scenes from "Last Refuge" (You'll notice Ray and Kendra getting married is NOT one of them). Ready to start?

Scene 1:

"Last Refuge" is a love letter to Captain Cold, Heat Wave, and White Canary fans. It's basically fanfiction turned into video. The plot of the episode is horrible, considering there are so many time travel flaws in it you'll want to throw rocks at the screen. Luckily, Teen Mick and baby Len save the show (yes, that adorable baby in the trailer was none other than Leo himself). The two will capture your hearts before you even have time to blink. This scene is by far my favorite scene of the entire show. It's just, it's too perfect. I mean look.

So, I don't know what to scream about more. The fact that Mick just called Len his partner again (brotp is back on!) or the fact that TEENAGE MICK IS HOLDING BABY CAPTAIN COLD. This is the cutest thing to exist since puppies were invented. Young Mick's line, "I don't do babies," was just so Mick. Mitchell Kummen plays the character perfectly. The best thing is this won't be the last of him. He and the others (Young-adult Sara, baby Jax, young-adult Ray, baby Stien, and baby Snart) are currently staying with Rip's adopted mother at a secret orphanage. That means we might get to see him again next week!

Scene 2:

Also, an amazing scene was when younger Sara slaps teenage Mick for trying to hit on her. Rather than being upset, Mick just starts laughing. He makes the cutest face. Older Sara's response is almost as good. She goes down stairs and informs young Mick that he is "not her type". Sorry Mick/Sara fans. I did read a post on tumblr that described Mick as president of the White Canary fangirl club. That is probably 100% true.

Scene 3:

For Captain Canary shippers, this scene will melt your heart. At first, Sara seems completely immune to the idea of seeing Captain Cold as a baby. However, when she lays eyes on him, she instantly starts cooing. Definitely in top ten best Captain Canary scenes. Just look at her stroking Len's cheek. I swear, Snart is just fabulous no matter how old he is. So is this ship. Urgh, why did I have to be pulled into this! Apparently there's going to be some big Captain Canary scenes in the upcoming Legends of Tomorrow episode "Destiny", but it will be hard to top this.

Scene 4:

Here, Rip's mom, who has been watching younger Mick, tells him, "You're a naughty one." Mick is pleased, responding with "That's right". I am so glad Mick is back on the team. His amazing one liners will never get old.

Scene 5:

This shot right here. This villain, the Pilgrim, has the ability to freeze time (she also has the ability to be a jerkface because she threatened to kill Golden Glider). We get to see some awesome special affects of the entire team frozen in place. It is EPIC. It does drag out a little too long, but it's worth the wait. Snart and Mick look fabulous, but let's hope their weapons don't cross!

Things I'm Mad About:

1. This episode's extremely flawed plot.

2. The writers not bringing on Lisa Snart even though they freaking showed her picture, the same picture, about ten times so far.

3. Mick and Len still not making up. The team needs to have an intervention.

4. The fact that teenage Mick and baby Len will probably never have their own TV show.

5. Legends of Tomorrow preventing the Rogues from happening on the Flash. I mean, I love seeing my two favorite supervillains every week, but I need the Rogues. Maybe take a break season 2 for Flash season 3, and come back on the show later?


Scene 1 again. I mean, I've already posted this picture on my door. I just, I love this. I can look at it all day. Let me paste it a few more times.

OK... I'll stop. Hope you enjoyed this review. I tried to do a different organization of it by listing my favorite scenes. Comment below if you liked it. See you soon! Hope you enjoyed "Last Refuge" and this post!

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