Monday, April 18, 2016

How to Throw a Rogues Themed Party

Welcome to the first day of Mirror Master Week! In honor of Sam Scudder's birthday tomorrow, I figured I could help inform you how to throw a Rogues themed party. That way you too can celebrate Sam's birthday! And who do you think is the best person to ask about how to throw a Rogues themed party? Well, the Rogues themselves! "A Meeting of Rogues", comic book #19 from volume 2 of the Flash, has the Rogues throw a wild and festive party for Captain Cold. Also, comic #231 from volume 1, "The Only Crook Flash Could Never Catch!" has the Rogues throw what is equivalent to today's comic con. I will be using both of these comics to get inspiration for throwing the party.


Since you'll probably be inviting a lot of people, it's important to have lots of good food. The best way to go is a buffet. Make sure you hire (or kidnap) a personal chef to restock when you run out of a certain item. Its most likely you'll have some unwanted guests show up, like the Flash or various wannabe crooks. Always be prepared by bringing more snacks than you need.

There are some specific themed snacks you can serve. For Captain Cold, I suggest mini popsicles. You can make these by pouring orange juice into an ice cube tray. For something warmer try hot chocolate, just don't forget the mini marshmallows. If you have a fireplace, make s'mores in theme with Heat Wave. Any Australian or Scottish cuisine can reflect Captain Boomerang or Mirror Master.

Most importantly, don't forget the alcohol. Make sure you specify on the invitations that the party is BYOB. Bring your own beer. However, if you want to avoid any complications, try to keep the alcohol consumption to a minimum. Perhaps use soda instead. You don't want to end up like Captain Boomerang.

And don't forget the cake! You may not be able to defeat the Flash, but can you can devour him and his deliciousness!


The Rogues liked to show off their various weapons, and you too can show off your Rogues memorabilia. Any action figures or posters you might have should go on display. Don't be afraid to display your fan art or print out some fanfiction you may have written. You can search the internet for comic strips or pictures you might like and tape them up on the wall. If you're throwing a Mirror Master party, be sure to have lots of mirrors around. You can tape masks to the mirrors, so when someone walks up to one, it will look like they are dressed up as one of the Rogues.


There's nothing like a good role play. Heck, even the Rogues did it at their conventions, imagining what if would be like if they ever defeated the Flash. You can make your party a costume contest and run around the streets together. If you want to go all out, nerf guns and card board cut outs of the Flash can lead to hours of fun.

As with any comic book themed party, its important to have comic books. You can stop by the comic book store and purchase some cheap ones as door prizes. And when you need to take a break from the excitement of the party, you can have a corner for guests to sit and read from a stack. That way if there are any guests unfamiliar with the characters you are displaying, they can learn about them from the original material.

If you'd like to show a movie during the party, their are tons to chose from. "Batman: Assult on Arkham" is a great choice if you are a fan of Captain Boomerang. Captain Cold, Captain Boomerang, Heatwave, Mirror Master, and the Top are all featured at the beginning of "Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox". Rogue's member Weather Wizard even has a role in the recently released film, "Justice League vs. Teen Titans". If you'd like something more specific to a character, their are many episodes of The Flash on CW that feature certain villains. These include "Tricksters", "Family of Rogues", "Going Rogue", "Flash vs Arrow", "Revenge of the Rogues", "The Sound and the Fury", "Pilot", "Out of Time", "Rogue Time", and "Flash Back". I would suggest "Running to Stand Still" and "Rogue Air" for the biggest collection of Rogues. For an animated episode, watch Justice League Unlimited 's "Flash and Substance".

Well, I wish you luck on throwing your party. Be sure to send me an invitation. If you have any other ideas for throwing a Rogues themed party, leave it in the comic section below. And add how you plan on celebrating Sam Scudder's birthday. I plan on sitting down to an episode of the Flash, writing an "All About Sam" blog post, and maybe digging through my stack of comics to revisit some of my favorite stories that feature him. That's all, and see you tomorrow.

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