Sunday, April 3, 2016

Heatwave Special: Chronos and Kummen

So epic!!! I need a replica of his goggles!

Heatwave has had quite a spotlight put on him these last few weeks in Legends of Tomorrow. First, on episode 1x07, "Marooned", he was supposedly killed by his best friend and partner, Captain Cold. Last Thursday's episode, season 1 episode 9, "Left Behind", thankfully proved otherwise. Captain Cold did not kill Heat Wave, but knocked him out, planning on coming back for him at another time. For some reason, Cold was never able to come back. Instead, it is revealed that, as viewers speculated, Heat Wave became Chronos. Again Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell perform some amazing, emotional acting skills for Mick Rory's betrayal. Chronos is the masked villain from the first episode of the show. Apparently, the time masters rescued Heatwave and trained him to become a bounty hunter in some sort of dimension where time is irrelevant. (Please note that when I refer to Heatwave, I am referring to the television character. When I refer to Heat Wave, I am referring to the comic book character)

Plot Twist: Heatwave is Boba Fett.

Who is Chronos from the comics, and how does Heat Wave connect to him? Chronos is Ray Palmer/The Atom's archenemy. Chronos, whose real name is David Clinton, uses time as his gimmick. He eventually turns from petty thief to full time time traveler. Like the Rogues, Chronos also made a bargain with the demon Neron. This deal backfired when Chronos found that he aged every time he time jumped. He was thought to have died, but later it turned out he was posing as a friend of the new Atom, Ryan Choi. This is similar to Heatwave, Ray's friend, turning out to be the masked time villain. There was also a second Chronos, Walker Gabriel, who took over Clinton's time research.

Much more appropriate color scheme.

You can see the parallels between comic Chronos and "Legends of Tomorrow" Chronos. There are also parallels between the show and a comic book version of the "Justice League Unlimited" animated series. In one issue, Chronos travels back in time to prevent the death of his brother, Bobby, by a fire. Unfortunately, preventing Bobby's death would upset the time stream, so Bobby temporarily travels to the future to convince his brother to move on.

Just punch him already Mick. Then let Len punch him. Then let me punch him.

The Legends team has decided to try to rehabilitate Mick onto the team. The new promo for next week's episode, "Progeny", shows Rip Hunter talking to Mick and asking him for his help. It will be very interesting to see their conversation, since Rip was such a jerk to Mick and kind of responsible for the whole thing. I just want Mick to be back to his lovable, scary, pyro self.


You have been given a great honor. Do not abuse it.

The other big news about Heatwave is that fans will finally get to see him as a kid in episode 1x11, "Last Refuge". Actor Mitchell Kummen will be playing Mick Rory as a 14 year old teenager. The CW describes young Mick as "a confused teenager whose love of fire becomes lethal." 

Absolutely love Heat Wave's art style in the comics.

There is actually a comic specifically about Heat Wave's back story. He was obsessed with fire even as a boy. Once, Mick caught his house on fire by accident with his family inside. He wanted to help them escape, but he was so captivated by the flames he let them burn. Afterwards, he was sent to live with his uncle. He was forced to run away when he burns an older boy who locked him in a freezer. Mick goes on to join the circus as a fire eater, and eventually burns the circus down as well. Since Heat Wave has cryophobia, the fear of cold, he started as Captain Cold's adversary. That is, until Len introduced Mick to the Rogues. There are multiple times in the comics where Heat Wave turns into a hero. Each time, he is forced to return to villainy because of his pyromania.

This comic is too sad.

It will be really interesting to see Mick's childhood story on television, especially since it is so emotional. They might even have Heatwave trying to save his family, as a nod to Chronos' backstory. However they roll with the story, whether a time traveling trip or flashbacks, I cannot wait until April. We can all agree that we need Mickey and Lenny to be friends again.

Why can't you be friends??? Just make up and start the Rogues already!!!

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