Saturday, April 30, 2016

NEWS: Captain Cold in "The Flash" 2018

It's official, Captain Cold is going to be a villain in "The Flash", along with Jay Garrick, Iris West, Eobard Thawne, and Fred Chyre. Now, I'm not simply talking about "The Flash" on CW. I'm talking about the 2018 DC Movie, "The Flash"! This will be Captain Cold's very first live action appearance on a film, and a Rogues' member 2nd live action appearance on a film (sorry, looks like Captain Boomerang beat you on that). The official word is that Len Snart, note the nickname, is going to play an ex-military man working for Eobard Thwane. So I'm ready to snart dissecting that information! Get it, snart, start. Never mind.

Ah, don't you just love the classics. You can't beat the original Rogues costumes no matter how hard you try.

Len Snart

Len is the name commonly used in the original comics, so it looks like the directors will be leaning towards the original version of the character rather than the meta-new 52 Lenny. However, with the TV Flash already having their own take on the cold gun, the movie will need to find a way to make Movie-Len's gun stand out. Making him a powered villain would be an easy approach, and it would make sense if he's working with the Reverse Flash, another character with superpowers. However, that may upset classic fans, so the safe approach would be to give him a nice new gun with different sparkly effects. Again, based on the nickname, he'll most likely be wielding a weapon.

Cool, but don't go too overboard with the special effects. (NOTE: Not film image)


OK, my first reaction was what the heck! After that I just kind of stared at the screen and squinted, wondering if what I was reading was real or a prank. Why on earth would they make Captain Cold ex-military? Then I thought it through, and in a way, it makes sense. Captain Cold and the Rogues have always been in the grey area of heroics and villainy. Having Len originally be on the good side would be an interesting way to show his character in a new light. It would also explain his villain name, Captain Cold, if he does turn out to be an ex-captain.

The movie can either take two approaches; introduce him as ex-military or introduce him as military and have some event happen that turns him bad. I'm hoping for the first one, solely for the fact I don't want them messing up Len's origin story. It's possible for them to go with the second option and keep his origin somewhat intact, but I'd like to keep Len's abusive dad, Lewis, in the plot. That way their could be a future connection with Lisa Snart aka Golden Glider, Len's sister.

I suppose he did work for the Russian military in a way.

Working for Reverse Flash

It's clear that Eobard is going to be the villain of this movie. From what I'm aware of, they've never really teamed up in the comics before. By using the word "for" and not "with", its obvious they will not be in an equal partnership. This might not go over well for Len, who likes to be in charge. That's the reason why he leads the Rogues. But I want to know why Len is working with the Reverse Flash, because their needs to be some specific reason.

Since the Flash has already gotten his powers, as shown in "Batman v Superman", the movie won't be an origin story unless through flashbacks. So it is possible Len will already be an established villain of the Flash, and may team up with RF for the sole sake of revenge. The only thing Len likes more than revenge is money, so that could be another basic excuse. Some more complicated explanations could be blackmail. Perhaps Thawne has Snart's sister? Though, hoping that might be pushing my luck. The Rogues often get broken out of jail in the comics, so Thawne might simply break Snart out for assistance, and Snart just goes along with the plan to pay back his debt. If this is the case, it would be possible for Snart to switch to team Barry after he decided his debt is paid off enough. I really want to see Snart switch to hero mode sometime in the film. But he need to go back to criminal again. Captain Cold can be a really good anti-hero, which are high in demand in cinemas right now. If Warner Brother's plays him right, they could be looking at a fan favorite.

However, if they just make him be some lame henchman with no personality, I will cry. Please, just let him get in some ice puns.

My bad, I forgot they got stuck in an elevator together once. :P

OK, that's all my theories for Leonard's, sorry, Len's role in "The Flash" film! I guess from now on I'll have to refer to the film as "The Flash" and the TV show as The Flash for clarification. Argh, why can't they have different names? Anyway, I'm super excited CAPTAIN COLD IS GONNA BE IN IS OWN FILM!!! Well, sure there will be other characters in it like Barry, but they won't matter as much. I'm crossing my fingers for Rogues references.

Please, please, please treat Cap right Warner Brothers, and then make a Rogues movie like "Suicide Squad" since Marvel cancelled "Sinister Six".  Or else I'll have to hunt you down and freeze you with my cold gun. You have been warned. 

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