Friday, April 15, 2016

Legends of Tomorrow: A Look to the Future

Hi! I'm typing to you from Waco, Texas! I wasn't planning on making another post this week, because I'm on vacation. But, I really missed writing to ya'll. I was able to get hold of a laptop just so I could write a post! There have been so many Legends of Tomorrow spoilers on the internet now. Rather than review last night's episode, I wanted to talk about some of the upcoming episodes. Below are the synopsizes of the next three episodes, 1x12, 1x13, and 1x14.
Episode 1x12 "Last Refuge" (April 21, 2016)-

The team is targeted by The Pilgrim, a deadly assassin who wants to erase the Legends from the timeline by killing their younger, non-superhero selves. As a protective countermeasure, Rip  decides Sara, Snart, Rory, Professor Stein and Jax need to kidnap their past selves first before The Pilgrim gets to them. Coming face-to-face with the younger versions of themselves proves to be both a physical and emotional challenge for certain members of the team who would rather forget their past. Rip tells them he has a refuge for their precious cargo – an orphanage that raises future Time Masters and where he himself grew up.
This episode will probably become my favorite of the season. It's every fangirl's dream to see their favorite characters come to the screen as little kids. I freaked out at the end of "The Magnificent Eight" when they showed a picture of Heatwave as a child. He looks adorable, and I guarantee you I will be writing some fanfiction after "Last Refuge" airs. It will be interesting to see how Mick and The Pilgrim, played by Faye Kingslee, react. Will she call Mick a traitor such as the Hunters called him in the wild West? This plot will in a way reflect the plot of "Progeny", considering it will again take a look at the ethics, or lack of, of murdering children.
I did get a little excited when I read the word orphanage. In the comics, Evan McCulloch, the second Mirror Master, grew up in an orphanage. I just really want Mirror Master to come on the show, and it would be a fun way to tie Legends of Tomorrow and Flash together by hinting at an upcoming villain. Now, obviously this would change Evan's backstory a lot, but it would explain how he encountered technology to travel into mirror dimensions if he was in fact from the future. Do I think the show will hint at Evan coming from this orphanage? Not really, but a girl can hope.
They have also released an extended trailer for the episode.
There were quite a few moments in this trailer that made my jaw drop. It appears that Mick will get to interact with himself as a teenager. Also, the entire team will be along for the ride. Everyone is going to get to witness Mick's tragic backstory. There will be many tears shed. We know that Lenny met Mick in prison when Len was a 14 year old. Mick will be playing a 14 year old. I'm not positive what age they are supposed to be (considering Len looked to be around 5 or 6 when he was shown in 1975, my guess is Captain Cold is around 45 years old, and Heatwave is said to be older), but I'm assuming that this will be before Mick has met Len. Will Mick from the future try to warn his younger self to not trust Cold? Or will Mick realize how much Len has done for him, considering the mentally ill teenager he was before they became friends?
There is also quite a lot of new people shown in the trailer. I'm guessing that the black man Pilgrim is trying to kill is Jax's father, but I'm not quite sure who the blonde lady or the baby at the end is. It could be anyone. My guess is that the Pilgrim will try different ways to kill the six members in danger. Some as teenagers, some as babies, and some she will target ancestors. I really want to know who the baby at the end is, if it is Len or Ray, or maybe even Stein.
Lastly, here are some stills from "Last Refuge". There's lots!
*Epic Pose*
*Epic Girl Pose*
Rip's adopted mommy, Mary Xavier (Charles' wife?), taking one of the little ones (Baby Rip?) in.

Mick looks angry at Rip. Also slightly more back to normal.

Is it Jax's dad or Jax from the future?

Maybe it's just a random black guy?

Person in top right: Me stalking Mickey.

Me with tranquilizing dart ready to kidnap baby-Mick.

Fist bump!

He's debating what to steal. He's leaning towards that lucky vase.

I just, I can't. He just looks so adorable and attractive.

Mommy Rip again!

Attractive Mick again.

 Sassy Pilgrim! Talk to the hand!

Marry me?
Marry me too? Also, the team just loves playing dress up. First cowboys, now firefighters. Is this a super hero series or a fashion show?
Question: How many stills does he get? Answer: As many as he wants.
Mick Count: 7
Len Count: 4
Episode 1x13 "Leviathan" (April 28, 2016)-
Rip takes the team to London in the year 2166, three months before his family is killed. He believes this to be their final opportunity to take out Savage who is, unfortunately, at the height of his power. However, the team discovers two key elements to defeating him - Savage's daughter and the means to kill Savage once and for all.
To the future again! Since this is only three months before Rip's wife and Jonas get killed by Savage, we will most likely get to see a lot of these characters. The main thing we learn in this synopsis is that Savage has a daughter. She will be played by actress Jessica Sipos. In the comics, Vandal does have a daughter named Scandal, who he considers to be his heir. Scandal was part of the Secret Six. In the New 52 version, Vandal has a daughter named Kassandra "Kass" Sage, who works as an FBI agent. It is unknown if Jessica will be playing Kass or Scandal.  
Episode 1x14 "River of Time" (May 5, 2016)-
After numerous attempts in many different time periods, the team has successfully captured Vandal Savage. However, Savage tells Kendra that he can reunite her with Carter so she struggles with whether she should kill him. Rip decides they will deliver Savage to the Time Masters which doesn’t sit well with Snart and Rory. The duo decides it may be time to jump ship and return to their old life. Meanwhile, Savage taunts Ray about his place in Kendra’s life.
 Well, it looks like I was right in saying Kendra and Ray's relationship won't be going away anytime soon. I think delivering Savage to the Time Masters is absolutely stupid. Something must happen between now and "River of Time" that makes Rip trust them again. Right now, they seem like a pretty nasty group, sending assassins to kill Rip's own team. To kill them as children matter of fact. Also, if they discover how to kill Savage once and for all in "Leviathan", why don't they use that information? I think Mick and Len will want to return to Central City because Rip decides to be all goody-two-shoed and want Savage to get a fair trail with the time masters. I really hope Captain Cold and Heatwave do leave, because it would be AMAZING if the Rogues could become the main villains of The Flash season 3.
 Episode 1x15 "Destiny" (May 12, 2016) and
Episode 1x16 "Legendary" (May 19, 2016)-
No synopsizes have been released for "Destiny" or "Legendary". My only theory is that the final episode will take place in present time, 2016, Central City. It would be ironic if the time they finally kill Vandal Savage is the time they came from in the first place. Also, they could bring in Flash, Arrow, Golden Glider, and a ton of other iconic characters for the big finale. It would be epic!!! I really hope they end the series with a crossover. I know the episode is already filmed and there have been no rumors of Grant Gustin or Stephen Amell on LoT's set. But still, as I said before, a girl can hope.  
That's it! My theories for the remaining episodes of season 1! Next week is Mirror Master week, so I'll be doing a post about Evan McCulloch and Sam Scudder. I'll also do the Legends of Tomorrow review on Friday, because I'm super excited for it!! And if for some reason Mirror Master shows up on the Flash, I might have to do a Flash review to. You guys are lucky I like these characters so much! Thanks for listening.

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