Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Suicide Squad Blitz Trailer Music Review

So, the 3rd trailer for Suicide Squad has been out for over a week now, and I have probably watched it over a hundred times. Because George "Digger" Harkness, aka Captain Boomerang, is in this movie, that means I can review the trailer on this blog! I am so psyched for this movie, you don't even understand. I'm surprised I've gone this long without making a blog about it. I mean, my first blog was about Captain Boomerang in the Lego Batman movie! Not even Suicide Squad! It's time to change that, starting with this music review.

The aspect of the Blitz trailer and the previous trailer that intrigued me the most was the music choice. In Blitz, they use a song called "You Don't Own Me" sung by Grace. This song is actually a remake of the 1964 version sung by Lesley Gore. The lyrics fit perfectly with the film. The entire premise of the Suicide Squad team is that it is made of villains who believe they have the right to be loved and have happiness. They are given a chance at freedom by Amanda Waller, but in a sense they are all still prisoners. And I think deep down they know they will never earn their freedom. Their situation is an ironic one, and this song pokes fun at it.

Grace sings, "You don't own me. I'm not just one of your many toys."
Deadshot, Harley Quinn, and the others are toys. They are simply tools Waller is using to get what she wants.

Also, "And don't tell me what to do. And don't tell me what to say."
The government is doing just that. They have put bombs in the members heads. If they don't do exactly what they ask of them, they will kill them. Rick Flag chooses this moment to inform the Squad in the trailer that if they disobey him, try to escape, or even irritate him, they will die. It sure seems like they're telling them exactly what to say and do.

Finally, "I'm free and I love to be free. To live my life the way that I want."
Like I said before, they are not free. It's interesting the lyrics say live. The movie is literally called "Suicide Squad", so most likely it will be filled with lots of death. The team is not only able to live the way they want, it is most likely they will die in battle in a way they will not want. Again, the song is just sad, despite sounding so encouraging, because it is the opposite of their reality. The song is simply them singing their fantasies.

Now lets look at the second choice, "The Ballroom Blitz" by Sweet, where the trailer gets its name. This definitely gives off a different tone from the first song. It is much more energetic, and I think that will reflect how the tone of the movie will be. Sad and serious at times, but much more fun at others.

I read a fan theory that El Diablo will be one of the squad members to die because he is trying to redeem himself and might sacrifice himself for the team. This trailer seemed to support that theory for two reasons. One, we see him a lot more in this trailer, and he is the one character who isn't really played off as being "bad". The producers can't kill of Harley Quinn or Deadshot because they are too popular, but they'll still want to get that emotional death for fans. This trailer seems designed to make us sympathize with Diablo.

The other reason is in the lyrics of "The Ballroom Blitz", or rather the absence of them. The trailer cuts off to a scene with El Diablo right before the lyrics, "And the band started leaving
'Cause they all stopped breathing."
Now, this could be a reference to El Diablo dying. In fact, it could be hinting that the entire team will die. Again, I don't think the movie would actually kill off major characters (They better not kill of Boomerang or so help me...). But in the comics, Waller gets a hold of a type of serum that can bring the squad members back from the dead. It would be cool to see them all die in the end, or maybe somewhere in the middle, and have Waller bring them back to life. I don't know, just a thought. Super hero movies are constantly killing off and bringing back characters, but to have a whole team come back to life would be something new. Or is that pushing it? Leave your opinion in the comments below.

My last comment about "The Ballroom Blitz" song involves the following lyrics, "And the girl in the corner is everyone's woman."
There have been teases across the internet of a love triangle between the Joker, Harley Quinn, and Deadshot. This might be further proof, as the statement is sung with a shot of Deadshot and later Harley Quinn. It could also be referring to a possible romance with Rick Flag and Enchantress.

And since we're on the topic of romance.... Captain Boomerang and Katana are my official Suicide Squad OTP (One True Pairing). I really hope their moment in the trailer wasn't a one time deal. In their scene, Katana slams Digger against a wall with her sword. Unfazed, he simply asks, "You got a boyfriend?". Unfortunately Katana kind of does have a boyfriend. She can communicate with the soul of her dead husband in her katana blade (weird, I know). That would be an interesting love triangle to see. I just really want it to happen because Captain Boomerang is known and loved for his immature and vulgar look on life, and having him shamelessly (and probably unsuccessfully) flirt with an assassin is sure to get some laughs from the audience. 

And now, time for some random shots of Digger!

Love at first sight.
Looking insane as usual Boomy. Are those even boomerangs? They look like knives.

There must be something seriously crazy that he's looking at right now.

Oops, what's this pic. Sorry, I had too.

OK, loving the little hair poof out of his hat. Also the side burns. Who is your stylist and can I have their number?

That unicorn better be for me, Katana, or your son Owen. Also, will they be selling those as Suicide Squad merchandise?

This is why we can't let you be around Heatwave without supervision.

"You got a boyfriend?" I don't... just saying Digger.

I know he could kill me with one of those boomerangs, but there's something cute about him being in danger and pulling out some skinny little piece of metal.

How many drinks is he even having? Four?

Well, I hope you enjoyed my review. It was fun just looking at the music aspect of it. Just to give a tease of what to come, I still plan on reviewing "Batman: Assault on Arkham" and the comic "Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion". I also have a lot of craft projects I just finished I'd like to show off. I painted some letters that read "DC Rogues" with each character on a different letter. I also painted an In & Out hat blue like Captain Boomerang's cap from the comics, and it looks absolutely adorable. I'm thinking about doing a post on how to throw a boomerang, but I'll probably hold that off until a Captain Boomerang themed week when Suicide Squad comes out. Until then, au revoir!

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