Monday, April 11, 2016

Legends of Tomorrow 1x10 "Progeny" Easter Egg Review

Last week's episode of Legends of Tomorrow was full of little Easter Eggs to discuss. I've chosen 4 I want to talk about. I'm ready to get started.


Talk to Detective Joe about Wally. He feels you.

So is Sydney his twin, or did they just make a statue of Ray thinking he was Sydney?

In "Progeny", Ray believes the statue above to be of himself, and that his girlfriend he left behind in 2016 must have been pregnant when he left. Luckily, Ray finds out he is not a father, but that it was his brother Sydney who continued the family legacy. In the comics, Ray does have a brother, but his name is not Sydney. His brother's name was Danny. Danny was only mentioned in one comic from the Atom special of Brightest Day. He was a firefighter who died saving a little girl's life. Not sure if they will mention Sydney/Danny again, or why they didn't just call him Danny. An upcoming episode of Legends of Tomorrow, "Last Refuge", will feature all the Legends in their childhood. Perhaps we will get to see Sydney along with Ray as younger boys.


I'd go that circus show any day Mickey <3.

When talking to Captain Cold, Mick says, "And if you kill me, well, it's better than being locked up in this place like some kind of circus freak." In the comics, Heatwave was in the circus. He joined as a fire eater before accidently burning the circus down. This was a nice little nod to his backstory, which will be coming to the show soon.


Go talk to James Jesse, The Trickster. You and him should have a Star Wars marathon and cosplay.

 It's clear by now Snart is a Star Wars nerd. Between the "Boba Fett" comment from the pilot and the entire episode of "Marooned", geeky space references are commonly heard on the Wave Rider. Captain Cold amusingly quotes, "We already know what pushes this punk to the dark side: Savage." Unfortunately, Anakin and Per Degaton share a similar fate, death.


 I understand why you like him. #jelly

How can you make playing with a ball so sexy?

Lately, I've been seeing a lot of Captain Canary on the internet. What is Captain Canary? The romantic paring of Captain Cold and White Canary obviously. At first, I wasn't really on board with the whole thing. For starters, there is nothing canon about it in the comics. I may be wrong about this, but I'm 99% sure they never even meet in the comics. Number 2, I didn't think the writers would make it canon on the show. I figured the little teases, such as Len and Sarah getting drinks and dancing together, were just an angle of friendship between the two. But Captain Cold's comment makes it clear that their relationship is more than mere friendship.

Sarah asks, "What about your feelings?", when talking about Heat Wave. Captain Cold, not wanting to discuss his ex-friend, responds, "About you?". This is the first official confirmation that Leonard Snart does hold romantic feelings for Sarah Lance.

Now, I'm not going to say I'm 100% on with this ship. I'm not going to scream and write fanfiction yet (though I probably will read some). I can say that I am excited to see whatever is happening between them continue. They are a cute paring. I just don't want it to get in the way of Captain Cold and Heatwave rekindling their brother-like relationship. I'm down for it though ;).


BONUS: Stills for next Western Episode!!!

I never knew how much I needed to see Mick Rory as a cowboy until now.

Mick's so happy to get revenge he's practically glowing.

Another Heatwave close up. He just looks way to cute in a bandana.

Heatwave posing like a boss + tiny Canary in the corner. And good job on breaking character Ray.


Lenny looking smug as a bug. Possibly jealous of Heatwave getting more stills than him.


That's all folks!! I'm sorry to say, but I will be out all week because I'm going to an engineering competition in Waco!!! Wish me luck. Sorry I won't be able to post anything else until at least Sunday, but I promise when I do post, it will be worth the wait. I want to do something fun in honor of Mirror Master's birthday, so I'm thinking about doing a themed week for him. Three different posts tying to his character. I think it will be a lot of fun, and if I get any positive feedback we can do more themed weeks. Well, until then! Keep supporting the Rogues rise to fame!!!

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